Located near downtown Silver Spring in the heart of the vibrant Jewish community of Woodside, the Woodside Mikvah provides a safe, sensitive, welcoming, and halachically approved mikvah for immersion to promote the mitzvah of family ritual purity (taharat mishpacha) and Jewish spirituality within the greater Washington, DC community.

Erev Rosh Hashanah & Erev Yom Kippur 5785-Mikvah hours for Men

The WMO is pleased to announce that the Woodside Mikvah will be open for men on Erev Rosh Hashanah, October 2, and Erev Yom Kippur, October 11. For both of these days, the mikvah will be open for all men, whether or not they are members of WMO.

Men who are members may use the mikvah free of charge. Men who are not members will be charged $20.00.

The following operating rules will apply on both days:

  1. Mikvah will be open for men’s usage from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. All users must leave before 2:45 PM. No exceptions.
  2. A new combination lock has been installed on the mikvah door. Please contact Judah Mogilensky at jmogilensky@gmail.com or text to 301-905-2068 to obtain the combination.
  3. Users are asked to be considerate of others, to minimize your time in the mikvah building, and to leave the mikvah building as clean as possible.
  4. We strongly prefer that men shower before coming to the mikvah, but men may shower at the mikvah if necessary.  Men are to bring their own towels, and are not to use towels found in the mikvah building.
  5. Signs will clearly indicate which mikvah pool is to be used by men. Only the indicated pool is to be used.

The WMO wishes everyone a Kesivah v’Chasimah Tovah and a Shanah Tovah.

Location: 8901 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD